Build with Precision


Khal focuses on the design, installation, and maintenance of efficient irrigation systems to ensure optimal water supply for landscapes and green spaces.

How We Work

Services We Provide

Sprinkler Irrigation

Khal installs efficient sprinkler systems tailored to the landscape's needs, ensuring precise and controlled watering

Sprinkler Irrigation

Khal installs efficient sprinkler systems tailored to the landscape's needs, ensuring precise and controlled watering

Drip Irrigation

Khal designs and installs drip irrigation systems, conserving water and delivering it directly to plant roots for optimal hydration.

Drip Irrigation

Khal designs and installs drip irrigation systems, conserving water and delivering it directly to plant roots for optimal hydration.

Centre Point Irrigation

Khal's Centre Point Irrigation service optimizes water distribution with precision, ensuring efficient and targeted watering for landscapes.

Centre Point Irrigation

Khal's Centre Point Irrigation service optimizes water distribution with precision, ensuring efficient and targeted watering for landscapes.

Furrow Irrigation

Khal's Furrow Irrigation service employs traditional yet effective methods, maximizing water efficiency in agricultural and landscape settings through carefully designed furrow systems.

Furrow Irrigation

Khal's Furrow Irrigation service employs traditional yet effective methods, maximizing water efficiency in agricultural and landscape settings through carefully designed furrow systems.